Sandnes Garn

Nature, Animals and People

At Sandnes Garn, their goal is for everyone taking part in the production of their yarn; animals and people, are taken care of in the best possible way.


They know that you care about how the yarn was made, that it didn't cause harm to animals, the environment or workers. More than ever before, our dealings with the world around us, be it individuals, nations, businesses, corporations or humanity at large, are held accountable. There is a growing awareness of how our consumerism and paths to profit affect the greater vulnerable planetary community of human beings, animals and nature, and with that; and understanding of the fact that whatever product you hold in your hand, it had a journey before it got there.


As a consumer, you have the opportunity – and perhaps also a duty – to act in such a way that your environmental footprint is taking as small a toll as possible, that the products you choose didn't cause harm, that the people and animals that was a part of the journey of this product didn't fared well. And to be able to do that, it is key that there are businesses that are run ethically and sustainably, and that there are systems that make it easy for you as a consumer to know which business take on this responsibility, and which do not.
We wish to be such a business, and we´ve taken important steps in the direction of becoming one, at the same time we recognize that there is still room for improvement.

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