Lily & Pine Fibre Arts

Erin started Lily & Pine Fibre Arts out of her kitchen in Calgary, Alberta in 2017. When she couldn’t find the exact colour she was looking for in a spinning project, she began scouring the internet for classes and instructions on dying fibre, purchasing the raw materials anywhere she could track them down. Soon her experiments with dyes and fibre took over their main floor!
When an injury forced her to quit her day job, her loving husband, Brad, encouraged her to consider turning her little passion project into a full time business. After much trepidation at the thought of starting a business, he finally convinced her to pursue her passion. Their basement was turned into a full dye studio, and Lily & Pine Fibre Arts was born!
With the help of Brad on the technical and financial side, as well as a sometimes “Booth Babe” at trade shows, Erin now dyes full time in her basement studio, focusing on creating unique and complex colours for spinning fibre and yarn. She is passionate about creating colour ways that will hopefully inspire other makers, so that they too can craft projects that will be unique and meaningful for them!
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