Knitter's Pride
Knitter's Pride is a family owned enterprise that manufactures superior quality needlecraft tools and accessories. Located in Jaipur, India, the company employs and supports 1,700+ workers, in an eco-compliant factory and campus.
Their respect and commitment to their employees and their welfare is equaled by their pride in the quality of their products. Their foremost priority is a secure and healthy environment for the people who work with them on a daily basis. That consideration also takes into account protection and maintenance of the land on which they work.
Knitter's Pride products are produced with renewable energy in a dust-free environment that insures safe working conditions for all the workers. One hundred percent of their factory water is cleaned daily, resulting in zero wastage. In turn, the purified water is used to water and sustain the beauty of their surrounding grounds.
Knitter's Pride realizes that proper education is a pathway to a good future. So, they've created a privately funded school for children and young adults - The Apna School. Girls and boys from a number of communities, outside of New Delhi, are educated from primary though high school grades. An equal education is provided to young girls and women in order to provide them with the same foundation for a good future.
6 products